You Can Do It!

Have you ever been told you can’t do something? The rebellious side comes out and you do everything in your power to prove them wrong or the fear sets in and you believe what they are saying. We have a dream to do something and we are excited about it so we tell someone our dream. We will get multiple responses from “that is fantastic, you can do it,” “hmm, that’s interesting (but no excitement in their voice),” “are you sure you want to do that,” to “I don’t think that is a good idea.” Emotions can really make our words ring encouragement or instill a slight fear or be a confidence breaker in others. Responses of others can either spark a fire in us or make us question ourselves. How many dreams do we have crushed because of what someone else has said?

Fear can stop us in our tracks. Stop us from moving forward and doing the things we were called to do in our lives. Encouragement is not second nature for some. They have to work at it while others it just comes naturally. We may struggle when we are faced with new challenges or dreams in our lives because we lack self-confidence or may feel we have inadequate ability, experience or training. Our lives are not measured as much by what we accomplish as by what we overcame in order to accomplish it.

There is one place we can always find the encouragement to move forward in our lives and accomplish many things. God has made promises to always be with us. If he gives us a job to do, he will provide everything we need to do it. We should not allow fear to stop us. (Jeremiah 1:6-8) If you are faced with a challenge or have a dream to do something, YOU CAN DO IT. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Setting goals in life and accomplishing them is great feeling.

Let us encourage and build each other up. Encouragement can change a person’s life.