Frosted Flakes

We are always on a quest to find satisfaction. No one likes to feel unhappiness or empty but life can leave us feeling exactly that. We fill our lives with many worldly things. The first thing we may do is fill it with busyness whether it is work, volunteering, sitting at home on the computer, watching T.V., playing video games or we have children that are wanting our undivided attention, etc. There is always something that gets our attention. Next on the list is filling our lives with love from others. Doing whatever we can to receive love from other people. At times, this may not satisfy. Even if we fill each moment of our life with something, we can still feel very empty inside; something is missing. We may try to cover it up, tuck it away somewhere in our mind or not even realize we are left with an empty feeling. There is a small void in our life and we do not understand how it got there.

The other day I was thinking about those sugary sweet cereals, especially Frosted Flakes that either we have eaten as a child or as an adult, or we feed them to our children. These cereals bring sweetness to a meal but can leave us feeling empty, still hungry and not completely satisfied. Looking over our lives, what are we craving? Are we looking for some sweet to satisfy our lives and fill the emptiness?

There is only one true thing that can bring complete satisfaction and fill our emptiness; God and his word. We may try to avoid him, trying to control what fills our minds and our lives. We should not fill our lives with busyness and leave no room for God and what he is trying to tell us. His love is satisfying and it will fill every empty place in our life. We crave the sweetness of life and he is that sweetness.

“How sweet is your word to my taste! It is sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Psalm 119:103

God’s word makes us wise, brings joy to our hearts, it warns us, rewards us, and gives insight. True wisdom in life comes from allowing God’s word to guide us. It brings sweetness to our lives. It helps us to see things God has been trying to show us all along.

Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing your sweetness into my life that fills me full and not leave me feeling empty. Help me to live for you daily and not fill my life with busyness that I do not leave room for you. Open my eyes to what you want me to see and continue to walk with me daily.

May God bless you this week in your journey!
