
I woke up the other morning with the song, “Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones in my head. I do not really know why because I have not listened to oldies for many years. But the more I thought about this chorus I was singing, it reminded me a lot about our spiritual life. Here is the chorus to the song.

I can’t get no satisfaction
I can’t get no satisfaction
‘Cause I try and I try and I try and I try
I can’t get no, I can’t get no

We try very hard to find satisfaction in our lives and we can’t find it. There is one individual in the Bible that knew about being satisfied. David was continuously seeking God in his life. “But because I have done what is right, I will see you. When I awake, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face” Psalm 17:15. He knew the true goal in life was to know God and the reward was to see God one day.

For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107:9

Everybody is looking for some type of satisfaction in life. We long for more and we long to be fulfilled. When this longing comes up short dissatisfaction comes into view. Dissatisfaction happens when our attention is taken from what we have and what God is doing in our lives to what we don’t have. We always want more than what we have. At times we may find satisfaction only to find it is short term. We have to be careful of short-term satisfaction; satisfying our immediate desires without stopping to think about the long-term consequences. We have a desire to be satisfied in our lives and at times we may act on impulse to receive instant satisfaction. At the beginning we may feel intensely satisfied because we have obtained what we set out to get. But we lose sight of what the future holds. Will this instant satisfaction last? When we stop and think about what God is doing in our lives, we find that he provides for our basic needs, he gives us life, friends, health, and desires.

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you.

My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this

parched and weary land where there is no water.

You satisfy me more than the richest of foods.

I will praise you with songs of joy. Psalm 63:1, 5

Our souls hunger just as we hunger physically. Our souls crave for more than what this life can offer. Nothing we physically see will ever satisfy us. Our hunger in life is knowing God. He brings full satisfaction. We long, hunger and thirst for something lasting in our life not just something temporary. True and lasting satisfaction comes from having a relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ is the bread of life and when we go to him we will no longer hunger or thirst (John 6:36).  It must be daily to have constant satisfaction. We then become satisfied with whatever we have and wherever we are in life.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Psalm 90:14

I pray you will find true and lasting satisfaction in your life this week.

May God bless you in your journey, Lynda