Your Ad Here

As I was driving down the road the other day, I started looking at all the signs and billboards along the way. Many of them caught my attention but one in particular stood out, it stated, “Your Ad Here”. Anytime a company advertises a product or service whether a sign, billboard or television ad, they are telling us what that product can do for us, its purpose, why we should buy it or trust it. They make it very appealing to where we feel like we have to have that product or service in our lives.

Every day of our lives, we are like this billboard. People will watch what we do from our attitudes, our behavior, and our actions. What do we want people to see? What are we openly advertising about ourselves? With our lives, we are showing whether someone can trust us, how we are as a friend, whether we are caring or could care less about others. It also reveals if we are a good or bad person, Christian or non-Christian, have good or bad morals, if we have drama in our lives or allow it to consume us. Not only do our actions show who we are but what we say reveals the type of person we are.

“For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will never do anything that causes me shame, but that I will always be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past, and that my life will always honor Christ.” Philippians 1:20

Every part of our lives should honor Christ. Every single minute of our day should honor Christ. No matter what we do should reflect a Christ like attitude; our actions, behavior and how we treat others. We should also strive to develop godly values and not follow worldly values such as money, prestige, power, popularity, and pleasure. Godly values will show the true way of living and living with a life of purpose. We can honor Christ by developing godly values while here on earth. Are we living a life that honor’s Christ to where people around us want what we have; peace, joy, happiness, and eternal life.

“Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” Luke 12:34

What we treasure most in life is what we think about most and what is always deep in our hearts. We should always treasure godly values in our lives and strive to honor Christ. If we claim to be a Christian, our lives should reflect what Christ is like. What do people think about God when they watch our lives? Are we reflecting godly values?

Let’s go back to the above picture of the billboard that says, “Your Ad Here”.  We should take a closer look at our lives. Peel it back layer by layer and see what we find. Look at our interactions with our family; spouse, children, parents, or siblings. How we treat them at home and in public for all to see. How we are treating others that are not family. Our interactions with people can tell others how we are as a person. Let us ask ourselves these following questions. What do I want my life to be about? What would other people say about my life? What would my ad say?

May God bless you in your journey this week.
